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16.5. Template Specializations


It is not always possible to write a single template that is best suited for every possible template argument with which the template might be instantiated. In some cases, the general template definition is simply wrong for a type: The general definition might not compile or might do the wrong thing. At other times, we may be able to take advantage of some specific knowledge to write more efficient code than would be instantiated from the template. When we can’t (or don’t want to) use the template version, we can define a specialized version of the class or function template.

Our compare function is a good example of a function template for which the general definition is not appropriate for a particular type, namely, character pointers. We’d like compare to compare character pointers by calling strcmp rather than by comparing the pointer values. Indeed, we have already overloaded the compare function to handle character string literals (§ 16.1.1, p. 654):

// first version; can compare any two types
template <typename T> int compare(const T&, const T&);
// second version to handle string literals
template<size_t N, size_t M>
int compare(const char (&)[N], const char (&)[M]);

However, the version of compare that has two nontype template parameters will be called only when we pass a string literal or an array. If we call compare with character pointers, the first version of the template will be called:

const char *p1 = "hi", *p2 = "mom";
compare(p1, p2);      // calls the first template
compare("hi", "mom"); // calls the template with two nontype parameters

There is no way to convert a pointer to a reference to an array, so the second version of compare is not viable when we pass p1 and p2 as arguments.

To handle character pointers (as opposed to arrays), we can define a template specialization of the first version of compare. A specialization is a separate definition of the template in which one or more template parameters are specified to have particular types.

Defining a Function Template Specialization

When we specialize a function template, we must supply arguments for every template parameter in the original template. To indicate that we are specializing a template, we use the keyword template followed by an empty pair of angle brackets (< >). The empty brackets indicate that arguments will be supplied for all the template parameters of the original template:

// special version of compare to handle pointers to character arrays
template <>
int compare(const char* const &p1, const char* const &p2)
    return strcmp(p1, p2);

The hard part in understanding this specialization is the function parameter types. When we define a specialization, the function parameter type(s) must match the corresponding types in a previously declared template. Here we are specializing:

template <typename T> int compare(const T&, const T&);

in which the function parameters are references to a const type. As with type aliases, the interaction between template parameter types, pointers, and const can be surprising (§ 2.5.1, p. 68).

We want to define a specialization of this function with T as const char*. Our function requires a reference to the const version of this type. The const version of a pointer type is a constant pointer as distinct from a pointer to const2.4.2, p. 63). The type we need to use in our specialization is const char* const &, which is a reference to a const pointer to const char.

Function Overloading versus Template Specializations

When we define a function template specialization, we are essentially taking over the job of the compiler. That is, we are supplying the definition to use for a specific instantiation of the original template. It is important to realize that a specialization is an instantiation; it is not an overloaded instance of the function name.


Specializations instantiate a template; they do not overload it. As a result, specializations do not affect function matching.

Whether we define a particular function as a specialization or as an independent, nontemplate function can impact function matching. For example, we have defined two versions of our compare function template, one that takes references to array parameters and the other that takes const T&. The fact that we also have a specialization for character pointers has no impact on function matching. When we call compare on a string literal:

compare("hi", "mom")

both function templates are viable and provide an equally good (i.e., exact) match to the call. However, the version with character array parameters is more specialized (§ 16.3, p. 695) and is chosen for this call.

Had we defined the version of compare that takes character pointers as a plain nontemplate function (rather than as a specialization of the template), this call would resolve differently. In this case, there would be three viable functions: the two templates and the nontemplate character-pointer version. All three are also equally good matches for this call. As we’ve seen, when a nontemplate provides an equally good match as a function template, the nontemplate is selected (§ 16.3, p. 695)


Key Concept: Ordinary Scope Rules Apply to Specializations

In order to specialize a template, a declaration for the original template must be in scope. Moreover, a declaration for a specialization must be in scope before any code uses that instantiation of the template.

With ordinary classes and functions, missing declarations are (usually) easy to find—the compiler won’t be able to process our code. However, if a specialization declaration is missing, the compiler will usually generate code using the original template. Because the compiler can often instantiate the original template when a specialization is missing, errors in declaration order between a template and its specializations are easy to make but hard to find.

It is an error for a program to use a specialization and an instantiation of the original template with the same set of template arguments. However, it is an error that the compiler is unlikely to detect.

Best Practices

Templates and their specializations should be declared in the same header file. Declarations for all the templates with a given name should appear first, followed by any specializations of those templates.

Class Template Specializations

In addition to specializing function templates, we can also specialize class templates. As an example, we’ll define a specialization of the library hash template that we can use to store Sales_data objects in an unordered container. By default, the unordered containers use hash<key_type>11.4, p. 444) to organize their elements. To use this default with our own data type, we must define a specialization of the hash template. A specialized hash class must define

  • An overloaded call operator (§ 14.8, p. 571) that returns a size_t and takes an object of the container’s key type
  • Two type members, result_type and argument_type, which are the return and argument types, respectively, of the call operator
  • The default constructor and a copy-assignment operator (which can be implicitly defined (§ 13.1.2, p. 500))

The only complication in defining this hash specialization is that when we specialize a template, we must do so in the same namespace in which the original template is defined. We’ll have more to say about namespaces in § 18.2 (p. 785). For now, what we need to know is that we can add members to a namespace. To do so, we must first open the namespace:

// open the std namespace so we can specialize std::hash
namespace std {
}  // close the std namespace; note: no semicolon after the close curly

Any definitions that appear between the open and close curlies will be part of the std namespace.

The following defines a specialization of hash for Sales_data:

// open the std namespace so we can specialize std::hash
namespace std {
template <>           // we're defining a specialization with
struct hash<Sales_data> // the template parameter of Sales_data
    // the type used to hash an unordered container must define these types
    typedef size_t result_type;
    typedef Sales_data argument_type; // by default, this type needs ==
    size_t operator()(const Sales_data& s) const;
    // our class uses synthesized copy control and default constructor
hash<Sales_data>::operator()(const Sales_data& s) const
    return hash<string>()(s.bookNo) ^
           hash<unsigned>()(s.units_sold) ^
} // close the std namespace; note: no semicolon after the close curly

Our hash<Sales_data> definition starts with template<>, which indicates that we are defining a fully specialized template. The template we’re specializing is named hash and the specialized version is hash<Sales_data>. The members of the class follow directly from the requirements for specializing hash.

As with any other class, we can define the members of a specialization inside the class or out of it, as we did here. The overloaded call operator must define a hashing function over the values of the given type. This function is required to return the same result every time it is called for a given value. A good hash function will (almost always) yield different results for objects that are not equal.

Here, we delegate the complexity of defining a good hash function to the library. The library defines specializations of the hash class for the built-in types and for many of the library types. We use an (unnamed) hash<string> object to generate a hash code for bookNo, an object of type hash<unsigned> to generate a hash from units_sold, and an object of type hash<double> to generate a hash from revenue. We exclusive OR4.8, p. 154) these results to form an overall hash code for the given Sales_data object.

It is worth noting that we defined our hash function to hash all three data members so that our hash function will be compatible with our definition of operator== for Sales_data14.3.1, p. 561). By default, the unordered containers use the specialization of hash that corresponds to the key_type along with the equality operator on the key type.

Assuming our specialization is in scope, it will be used automatically when we use Sales_data as a key to one of these containers:

// uses hash<Sales_data> and Sales_data operator==from § 14.3.1 (p. 561)
unordered_multiset<Sales_data> SDset;

Because hash<Sales_data> uses the private members of Sales_data, we must make this class a friend of Sales_data:

template <class T> class std::hash;  // needed for the friend declaration
class Sales_data {
friend class std::hash<Sales_data>;
    // other members as before

Here we say that the specific instantiation of hash<Sales_data> is a friend. Because that instantiation is defined in the std namespace, we must remember to that this hash type is defined in the std namespace. Hence, our friend declaration refers to std::hash.


To enable users of Sales_data to use the specialization of hash, we should define this specialization in the Sales_data header.

Class-Template Partial Specializations

Differently from function templates, a class template specialization does not have to supply an argument for every template parameter. We can specify some, but not all, of the template parameters or some, but not all, aspects of the parameters. A class template partial specialization is itself a template. Users must supply arguments for those template parameters that are not fixed by the specialization.


We can partially specialize only a class template. We cannot partially specialize a function template.

In § 16.2.3 (p. 684) we introduced the library remove_reference type. That template works through a series of specializations:

// original, most general template
template <class T> struct remove_reference {
    typedef T type;
// partial specializations that will be used for lvalue and rvalue references
template <class T> struct remove_reference<T&>  // lvalue references
    { typedef T type; };
template <class T> struct remove_reference<T&&> // rvalue references
    { typedef T type; };

The first template defines the most general version. It can be instantiated with any type; it uses its template argument as the type for its member named type. The next two classes are partial specializations of this original template.

Because a partial specialization is a template, we start, as usual, by defining the template parameters. Like any other specialization, a partial specialization has the same name as the template it specializes. The specialization’s template parameter list includes an entry for each template parameter whose type is not completely fixed by this partial specialization. After the class name, we specify arguments for the template parameters we are specializing. These arguments are listed inside angle brackets following the template name. The arguments correspond positionally to the parameters in the original template.

The template parameter list of a partial specialization is a subset of, or a specialization of, the parameter list of the original template. In this case, the specializations have the same number of parameters as the original template. However, the parameter’s type in the specializations differ from the original template. The specializations will be used for lvalue and rvalue reference types, respectively:

int i;
// decltype(42) is int, uses the original template
remove_reference<decltype(42)>::type a;
// decltype(i) is int&, uses first (T&) partial specialization
remove_reference<decltype(i)>::type b;
// decltype(std::move(i)) is int&&, uses second (i.e., T&&) partial specialization
remove_reference<decltype(std::move(i))>::type c;

All three variables, a, b, and c, have type int.

Specializing Members but Not the Class

Rather than specializing the whole template, we can specialize just specific member function(s). For example, if Foo is a template class with a member Bar, we can specialize just that member:

template <typename T> struct Foo {
    Foo(const T &t = T()): mem(t) { }
    void Bar() { /* ... */ }
    T mem;
    // other members of Foo
template<>           // we're specializing a template
void Foo<int>::Bar() // we're specializing the Bar member of Foo<int>
     // do whatever specialized processing that applies to ints

Here we are specializing just one member of the Foo<int> class. The other members of Foo<int> will be supplied by the Foo template:

Foo<string> fs;  // instantiates Foo<string>::Foo()
fs.Bar();        // instantiates Foo<string>::Bar()
Foo<int> fi;     // instantiates Foo<int>::Foo()
fi.Bar();        // uses our specialization of Foo<int>::Bar()

When we use Foo with any type other than int, members are instantiated as usual. When we use Foo with int, members other than Bar are instantiated as usual. If we use the Bar member of Foo<int>, then we get our specialized definition.


Exercises Section 16.5

Exercise 16.62: Define your own version of hash<Sales_data> and define an unordered_multiset of Sales_data objects. Put several transactions into the container and print its contents.

Exercise 16.63: Define a function template to count the number of occurrences of a given value in a vector. Test your program by passing it a vector of doubles, a vector of ints, and a vector of strings.

Exercise 16.64: Write a specialized version of the template from the previous exercise to handle vector<const char*> and a program that uses this specialization.

Exercise 16.65: In § 16.3 (p. 698) we defined overloaded two versions of debug_rep one had a const char* and the other a char* parameter. Rewrite these functions as specializations.

Exercise 16.66: What are the advantages and disadvantages of overloading these debug_rep functions as compared to defining specializations?

Exercise 16.67: Would defining these specializations affect function matching for debug_rep? If so, how? If not, why not?