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Raccoon, virtual base class, 812


raise exception, see throw


rand function, drawbacks, 745


random header, 745


random IO, 765


machine-dependent, 763


program, 766


random-access iterator, 412, 418


random-number library, 745


compared to rand function, 745


distribution types, 745, 770


engine, 745, 770


default_random_engine, 745


max, min, 747


retain state, 747


seed, 748, 770


generator, 746, 770


range, 747


random_shuffle, 878


range for statement, 91, 132, 187, 187189, 200


can’t add elements, 101, 188


multidimensional array, 128


not with dynamic array, 477


range_error, 197


rbegin, container, 333, 407


rdstate, stream, 313




istream, 763


Sales_data, 261


reallocate, StrVec, 530


move iterator version, 543


recursion loop, 228, 252, 608


recursive function, 227, 252


variadic template, 701


ref, binds reference parameter, 400, 418


refactoring, 611, 650


reference, 50, 79


see also lvalue reference


see also rvalue reference


auto deduces referred to type, 69


collapsing rule, 688


forward, 694


lvalue arguments, 688


move, 691


rvalue reference parameters, 693


const, see reference to const




not from const, 61


to reference to const, 162


data member, initialization, 289


declaration style, 57


decltype yields reference type, 71


definition, 51


derived-to-base conversion, 597


under multiple inheritance, 805


dynamic_cast operator, 826


initialization, 51


member function, 546


parameter, 210214


bind, 400


limitations, 214


template argument deduction, 687689


remove_reference, 684


return type, 224


assignment operator, 500


is lvalue, 226


return value, local variable, 225


to array parameter, 217


reference, container, 333


reference count, 452, 491, 514, 550


copy assignment, 514


copy constructor, 514


design, 514


destructor, 514


HasPtr class, 514516


reference to const, 61, 80


argument, 211


initialization, 61


parameter, 211, 213


overloaded, 232, 246


return type, 226


regex, 728, 770


error_type, 732


header, 728


regex_error, 732, 770


syntax_option_type, 730


regex_constants, 743


match_flag_type, 743


regex_error, 732, 770


regex_match, 729, 770


regex_replace, 742, 770


format flags, 744


format string, 742


regex_search, 729, 730, 770


regular expression library, 728, 770


case sensitive, 730


compiled at run time, 732


ECMAScript, 730


file extension program, 730


i before e program, 729


version 2, 734


match data, 735737


pattern, 729


phone number, valid, 740


phone number pattern, 739


phone number program, 738


phone number reformat, program, 742


regex iterators, 734


search functions, 729


smatch, provides context for a match, 735


subexpression, 738


file extension program version 2, 738


types, 733


valid, program, 740


reinterpret_cast, 163, 164


machine-dependent, 164


relational operators, 141, 143


arithmetic conversion, 144


container adaptor, 370


container member, 340


function object, 574


iterator, 111


overloaded operator, 562


pointer, 120, 123


Sales_data, 563


string, 88


tuple, 720


vector, 102


release, unique_ptr, 470


remove, 878


list and forward_list, 415


remove_copy, 878


remove_copy_if, 878


remove_from_Folders, Message, 523


remove_if, 878


list and forward_list, 415


remove_pointer, 685


remove_reference, 684


move, 691


rend, container, 333, 407


replace, 383, 875


string, 362


replace_copy, 383, 874


replace_copy_if, 874


replace_if, 875




string, 356


vector, 356


reserved identifiers, 46




bitset, 727


shared_ptr, 466


unique_ptr, 470


reset program


pointer parameters, 209


reference parameters, 210




invalidates iterator, 352


sequential container, 352


value initialization, 352


restricted word_count program, 422


result, 134, 169


* (dereference), lvalue, 135


[] (subscript), lvalue, 135


, (comma operator), lvalue, 158


?: (conditional operator), lvalue, 151


cast, lvalue, 163


rethrow, 776


exception object, 777


throw, 776, 818


return statement, 222, 222228


from main, 227


implicit return from main, 223


local variable, 224, 225


return type, 2, 27, 202, 204, 252


array, 204


array using decltype, 230


function, 204


function pointer, 249


using decltype, 250


linkage directive, 859


main, 2


member function, 283


nonreference, 224


copy initialized, 498


pointer, 204


pointer to function, 204


reference, 224


reference to const, 226


reference yields lvalue, 226


trailing, 229, 252, 396, 684


virtual function, 606


void, 223


return value


conversion, 223


copy initialized, 498


initialization, 224


list initialization, 226, 427, 527


local variable, pointer, 225


main, 24, 227


pair, 427, 527


reference, local variable, 225


*this, 260, 275


tuple, 721


type checking, 223


unique_ptr, 471


reverse, 878


list and forward_list, 415


reverse iterator, 401, 407409, 418


++ (increment), 407


-- (decrement), 407, 408


base, 409


compared to iterator, 409


reverse_copy, 414, 878


reverse_copy_if, 414




compared to iterator, 408


container, 332, 407


rfind, string, 366


right, manipulator, 758


rotate, 878


rotate_copy, 878


rule of three/five, 505, 541


virtual destructor exception, 622


run-time type identification, 825831, 864


compared to virtual functions, 829


dynamic_cast, 825, 825


bad_cast, 826


to poiner, 825


to reference, 826


type-sensitive equality, 829


typeid, 826, 827


returns type_info, 827


runtime binding, 594, 650


runtime_error, 194, 197


initialization from string, 196


rvalue, 135, 169


copy initialization, uses move constructor, 539




++ (increment) postfix, 148


-- (decrement) postfix, 148


function nonreference return type, 224


rvalue reference, 532, 550


cast from lvalue, 691


collapsing rule, 688


compared to lvalue reference, 533


function matching, 539


initialization, 532


member function, 546


overloaded, 547


move, 533




forwarding, 693, 705


member function, 544


preserves argument type information, 693


template argument deduction, 687


variable, 533

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