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valid, program, 740


valid but unspecified, 537


valid pointer, 52


value initialization, 98, 132


dynamically allocated, object, 459


map subscript operator, 435


new[], 478


resize, 352


sequential container, 336


tuple, 718


uses default constructor, 293


vector, 98




associative container, 428, 448


sequential container, 333


valuelike class, copy control, 512


varargs, 222


variable, 8, 28, 41, 4149, 80


const, 59


constexpr, 66


declaration, 45


class type, 294


define before use, 46


defined after label, 182, 192


definition, 41, 45


extern, 45


extern and const, 60


initialization, 42, 43, 79


is lvalue, 533


lifetime, 204


local, 204, 252


preprocessor, 79


variadic template, 699, 714


declaration dependencies, 702


forwarding, 704


usage pattern, 706


function matching, 702


pack expansion, 702704


parameter pack, 699


print program, 701


recursive function, 701


sizeof..., 700


vector, 96105, 132, 373


see also container


see also sequential container


see also iterator


[] (subscript), 103, 132, 347


= (assignment), list initialization, 145


at, 348


capacity, 356


capacity program, 357


definition, 97


difference_type, 112


erase, changes container size, 385


header, 96, 329


initialization, 97101, 334337


initialization from array, 125


list initialization, 98, 336


memory management, 355


overview, 326


push_back, invalidates iterator, 354


random-access iterator, 412


reserve, 356


subscript range, 105


TextQuery class, 485


value initialization, 98, 336


viable function, 243, 252


see also function matching


virtual base class, 811, 818


ambiguities, 812


Bear, 812


class derivation list, 812


conversion, 812


derived class constructor, 813


iostream, 810


name lookup, 812


order of destruction, 815


order of initialization, 814


ostream, 810


Raccoon, 812


ToyAnimal, 815


ZooAnimal, 811


virtual function, 592, 595, 603610, 650


compared to run-time type identification, 829


default argument, 607


derived class, 596


destructor, 622


exception specification, 781


final specifier, 607


in constructor, destructor, 627


multiple inheritance, 807


overloaded function, 621


override, 595, 650


override specifier, 593, 596, 606


overriding run-time binding, 607


overview, 595


pure, 609


resolved at run time, 604, 605


return type, 606


scope, 620


type-sensitive equality, 829


virtual inheritance, see virtual base class


Visual Studio, 5


void, 32, 80


return type, 223


void*, 56, 80


conversion from pointer, 161


volatile, 856, 864


pointer, 856


synthesized copy-control members, 857


vowel counting, program, 179

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